Dear Short People…

2 min readApr 3, 2018


Now for most of you out there when you encounter a tall person, you might want to inform them that they are tall. You may even want to enquire about their height and if they happen to play basketball….(if you can see where this is going good then you’re either a fellow tall person, or you’re just a decent civilised human being.) Any way if you do either of the above please DON’T…you might be a decent human being you may even be civilsed. But the very second I hear those words come out of your mouth…you will be looked at by me or another tall person as an idoit and not worth our time.

And before you say it, NO its a TERRIBLE ice breaker to comment on one’s height. Use that on me (a man of 2 meters or 6ft6) and I will give you a very short response before turning my back on you and continuing my conversation with those who don’t ask such stupid questions. In the mean time making you look and feel more insignificant then you are.

It is a basic lack of good manners and utterly short sighted, its beyond aggravating let alone first thing in the morning before I have had my first cup of coffee!!!. We are not Circus attractions, nor do we have signs on our backs that says we are walking freak shows. It’s BEYOND me that its considered to be acceptable behavior, please bear in mind we hear this at least four to five times a day EVERY DAY of our existence. It’s not a laughing matter either it’s being plain rude, to look at us and laugh about our height it’s not something we can control. Your stupidity on the other hand….now that, that’s something you can control so please do your best to do so. If you can’t however then you need some professional assistence or a padded cell.

THINK PEOPLE see a person who is taller than you start with a general conversation then if you REALLY must bring up the question of height….HOWEVER…we tall people would rather you didn’t!!!! Also the weather is no different for us than it is you…that joke is about as funny as congenital herpes!!!




A Gentleman Writer by name A Gentleman who Writes by nature so come and explore the world through my eyes and words. Blogger with a unique view on the world.